
Neighbors are there for each other. That’s why we take pride in giving back to the areas in which we live.

Local businesses we serve

Kids Summer Movies

Each year we are happy to support Churches in Mission through the annual Kids’ Summer Movies event at the Showtime Cinema. Get free admission when you donate a non-perishable food or hygiene item (or the cost of a ticket is 50¢). Movies start at 10:00 a.m. every Wednesday in the summer. Stay tuned for this year’s movie schedule!

Movie List

Free Wifi at the Morgan County Fair

We're happy to support our community by providing free wifi at the Morgan County Fair each year! This year's fair is from July 7 – July 15, 2023.

Visit the Fair

Mooresville Junior Baseball Softball League

We have supported our local baseball and softball organization for many years. We love to see these little kiddos learning how to play the game and have a lot of fun!

Learn more

Mooresville Muskets Travel Baseball Team

Did we mention we like supporting local baseball teams? We also support the Mooresville Muskets travel baseball team.

Learn more


How can we help?

As your neighbor, we care about the internet experience our customers have. If you have a question or are experiencing issues with your service or billing, submit a support ticket. One of our team members will reach out to assist you.

For immediate internet support needs, give us a call at 317-831-3000.

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